Frequently Asked Questions

Technical Issues

Q: I forgot my password – how do I obtain a new one?

A: Simply click the Forgot Password link beneath the login form. This will redirect you to the password reset utility and provide further instructions. If you need additional support, please contact


Q: How do I register to access the site? Could you please provide instructions?

A: There is no need for you to register directly. When you become eligible to redeem an anniversary gift, you will be enrolled automatically and notified by email with instructions on how to proceed.


Q: I can’t see some of the images on the site. Or is
the layout not displaying correctly on my screen; what is wrong?

A: Please reload the page or try a different browser. It is recommended that you use Google Chrome, Firefox or Safari.


General Questions

Q: How will I receive my gift?

A: Your gift will be shipped to the address you entered during checkout. You may provide work address for delivery if you choose.


Q: How do I remove a gift selection in my cart if I
decide to select a different gift before checking out?

A: Click on the shopping bag icon in the upper right corner of the page. Click on the "trash can" beside the product you want to remove from your cart.


Q: Can I choose more than one gift?

A: You cannot choose more than 1 gift.


 Q: What do I do if my gift comes damaged?

A: Please see the Return Policy page.


Q: Who would I contact with questions regarding any of the gift selections?

A: Please contact the ESCO customer service staff (your
service award supplier) with any questions regarding a gift. Phone:
800-852-4266 Email: